Monday, June 23, 2008

How I've changed since High School

In the spirit of the most recent "5 yr mini reunion" I thought it would be appropriate to make a list of the ways I've changed since high school.
1. I'm excited about becoming a teacher. I had some jobs that showed teaching as one of my skills, but I was very resistant to the idea. So resistant I tried to be an electrical engineer.
2. I don't watch the ground as much when I walk. I still tend to stare at the ground a lot but I've now mastered being able to look up and around me as well.
3. I walk a lot slower. In high school I was always in a rush to get to class (yeah I was one of those nerds who couldn't get through the hallways fast enough). Now I'm one of the slower walkers I know.
4. My temper is a lot less and I know better how to deal when I get mad. Much better with just deciding to chill about it or get my anger out in other ways such as exercise. If I hadn't, I think I'd be one of those 20 something women who have heart attacks.
5. I lost weight. I had an advantage that I was a bit fat in hs so when I came to college and skinny people were putting on the freshman 15, I lost the freshman 30. I'm pretty close to getting myself in a positive place about my weight which is good considering I'm moving to LA where I'll see a lot of rather thin people.
6. My focus turned a lot more to social justice. I've always believed in social justice, but college did a lot to kick me in the pants in this area. I'm a lot more likely to recognize hegemonies. (yeah, big college word)
7. I embrace my nerd side. The side of me that was never cool in high school and very aware of it has evolved into the side of me I embrace and lift up. As I've talked about with Ellen, this is crucial to being a teacher. Let's face it, your students are VERY likely to think you're a nerd- maybe a nerd they enjoy, but a nerd none the less. Now I'm ok with playing that up.
8. I'm ok with Springfield only being my past. In high school I always had dreams of getting out, but when my parents moved to Rantoul my freshman year I have to say it really threw me for a loop. I realized that at that time I thought I needed Springfield to always be my grounding. I've since learned I really never need to go back. (Although- I did have tons of fun being there this time).
9. I wear make-up... and not just t-shirts and jeans. This I still blame on my English major status, but who would of thought that I would ever wear anything other than a t-shirt and jeans and bother with make-up?
10. I figured out reasons I'm likable. In high school I don't think it ever occurred to me why people may want to be friends with me. They were my friends because we had classes together and we had fun (and often because they really liked Amelia.) Now I can see reasons just about me that people may find me interesting and fun to be with (Let's hope I remember those in LA).

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