Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jobs that would be awesome to have

I am very dedicated to teaching and very grateful that I found out how much I love it. That being said, there are some careers that I think would be pretty awesome. Here's the list:

1. Acoustics designer- the job I was training for. It would be pretty cool to walk into a concert and know that you designed it.

2. Lounge singer. Preferably one who wears a red sequence dress and gets on the piano. Think they offer a degree in that?

3. I should start putting money away now to open a private school. Much as I wish to reform the public school system, it'd be quicker results to open a school and be able to decide the curriculum myself. (Ellen- make sure some of the money you save this year goes towards this one)

4. Photographer. This is probably the one job on this list I'm least prepared for (yes, I know that's weird considering the rest of the list), but if I were a famous photographer that would rock.

5. Most of all, I would probably take a sabbatical from teaching if I could be a speech writer for a politician I believed in. Political speech writers get to pull out all the stops of poetic devices and clichés in such awesome ways. Yes this makes me an English nerd. Deal

I think this list may continue some time...

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