Thursday, August 28, 2008

Times I have seen Barack Obama in person

So there are some things that have come up in this presidential campaign that I am less than thrilled had to happen (e.g.: Rev. Jeremiah Wright who is truly a gifted preacher being dragged through the mud, Obama deciding that rather than face that he'll just leave the UCC etc.) but if you ever get the chance to hear Obama speak in public, it is amazing. I haven't gotten the chance to be in the same room with too many great orators in my life (and I would argue that most people never get that chance) but if you do, you can truly tell the power of great rhetoric stirring in your heart.
1. First time was at UIUC in McKinley (small room) when Barack Obama was running for Senate. He came to help Dr. Gill get elected (a man that should be in public office but some people in Champaign Urbana are too stuck on the chief to notice). Dr. Gill lost. I brought Lindsay and Megan with me and we decided to show up really early which turned out to be really good since the turn out was way higher than anyone expected. Obama's run for Senate was... an easy battle to say the least, but to hear him speak I think all of us walked away inspired.
2. Obama's announcement in Springfield happened on the coldest day of the year. It was seriously probably dangerous for all of us to be out there for as long as we were. I went with Didi, Ellen, Laura and Amanda (3 English teachers and a girl from my high school.) I still feel my fingers aching from the cold but I also still feel the goosebumps from that speech.
3. That summer, Obama came to speak at the UCC's 50th anniversary. I would have liked a closer seat but was fine with sitting far and above. It was his least inspirational speech that I saw, possibly foreshadowing to his split with the church. Even then the crowd was nuts. To make even a not so amazing to read speech worth seeing? that takes talent.
I think one thing that as an English teacher I can really draw on this is honestly, not everyone can do anything. There are people who are born with a gift for public speaking and there are people who just will never quite be that amazing. I think it's something that teachers especially need to recognize and watch what they say...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Based on Ellen getting a cool anniversary on her start day.

This is a list of things that happened on September 3rd in history:
1. 1752: US adopts Gregorian calendar so it becomes Sept 14th and people riot thinking the government stole 11 days of their life!
2. 1783: Treaty of Paris is signed!
3. 1838: Frederick Douglass escapes slavery!
4. 1925: First game of International Handball played!
5. 1940: First color television show!
6. 1967: Sweden begins driving on the right side of the road!
7. 1984: South Africa adopts a constitution!
8. 1989: Into the Woods closes!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rains it pours right?

Not many of the blogs I check out regularly update on the weekends (regularly there works in two different ways of reading that sentence. me=english dork), so I think that increases my regularity of wanting to post on the weekends.

Here are a list of goals I have for myself in the next we'll go with ten years but may be sooner than that:
1. To become a great teacher, duh.
2. To work out a system with portfolios based on the student reaching the standards rather than an artificial assessment of the student work.
3. To come up with a safe way for students to let me know how I'm doing without either party feeling pressure or emotional distress.
4. To stay away from the tempting desire to make the exact same lessons every year. Lord help me if I'm teaching the same lessons I teach this year in ten years.
5. To have a concept of better ways to assist students in reading books.
6. To have a concept of better guidance for the writing students do, especially the creative writing.
7. To become Nationally Board Certified (this one seems more like a prestige thing than anything but I'm not sure if I want to stay teaching in CA and this seems like something that might be good for teaching anywhere.
8. To get a masters in Education with a focus on teaching critical theory as a way of reaching students no matter what their post high school plans are. (Yes, I really loved critical theory way too much)
9. To be a good cooperating teacher for a student teacher or two. This one is difficult since I think I won't be one very willing to give up teaching larger numbers of people, but one that after student teaching I believe to be VERY important.
10. Most important: to have as many students as possible leave my class feeling more empowered to affect the world in positive ways than when they first came in.

Thoughts that went through my mind in my first experience being an extra

With this post, this blog passes up Keeping Each Other Honest.
Some of my brother's friends (and I guess at this point my friends) are putting together a full feature film. Their company seems to be a pretty big deal, but this is their first time making a full length film. They were looking for people to help load equipment and since I'm starting to go insane waiting around my apt for more info about my school job, I offered yesterday to help. They called today so I went down to help as a P.A. and in the last 5 min of the shoot, was recruited to be an extra. Here is a rough collection of my thoughts:
1. "Um I'm creeped out": I wrote down the wrong address and after being lost for what felt like forever, was still lost on kind of a shady street at 9p.m. in LA. Some people started following me as I went to my car and talking to me but they were nice enough to let me get in my car and drive away so I could find out the actual address.
2. "I wish I changed in the car": I had been at a bbq where I was trying to look cute and arrived on a set where most of the people were in tshirts and jeans. I felt totally over dressed.
3. "Why do I have to yell?" with "I really don't know what I'm doing": In my head PA is what my brother did after he graduated college. Now I understand that nearly anyone can be a gopher, when they told me to yell rolling and then cut after someone else yelled rolling and cut and that was my only job I felt like an idiot. Why was I yelling it? and what happens on a movie set?
4. "Wow the same problems come up in live theater": People kept talking "backstage" off-set I guess. I could hear them and they still tried to deny it when we told them we could hear them. At least my stage manager training allowed me to pinpoint where the noise was coming from.
5. "I hope I don't train annoying actors": Not that the actors were really annoying. Most of them were really nice. One thing that does come up with actors though in live theater and my experience tonight was their lack of understanding for what is going on around them. They will often wait till the middle of a technical issue when the lights cameras and action is going on to ask a question or they will decide in the middle of a scene that they really need to go running to get something. Hopefully in training my actors in both technical and acting they will understand that there are better times to do those things.
6. "Um ok I guess I'm in this now": When they decided they needed a nurse and I was there to be one.
7. "Wait he just called me the pa": Really I was just there as an extra set of hands but as he said "Susan the PA is going to be the nurse" I realized that being an extra set of hands is being a PA
8. "Please God, let me not hurt Trumbo... or the wheelchair": One of my friends was in the wheelchair I had to maneuver. I had small space to get through and not a whole lot of practice with moving wheelchairs. Plus, having someone I knew in the chair just made it that much more frightening. If I screwed up Trumbo's only memories of me would be on New Year's Eve and running him into objects.
9. "Frick I'm stuck": Yeah one time we were a little late getting the wheelchair rolling thanks to it getting stuck in the door- that time the note was "Wheelchair we need you to come out sooner"
10. "Well, now I've been an extra": the whole thing took like 3 minutes at the end of the shoot. Hopefully I don't look too ugly but you know whatever.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Birthday list

It is way too early for me to be thinking about this but I am trying to furnish an apt and things come up. Plus, I'm pretty sure Ellen is the only one who reads this so let's consider it more of a temporary list placed where I won't loose it.
Things I would like for my bday:
1. Artwork for the new apt. Particularly Ellen brought up getting local art which would be awesome. I'd like something over the tv, something by my bed and something over the couch, so I guess lots of artwork....
2. The Jane Austen action figure. I'll also take Poe or Wilde (I have Shakespeare), but that is the true English teacher nerd in all it's glory.
3. A cute hat. I feel like it's something necessary in LA. I also think this will serve as my quirky bit for being a drama teacher. I have a pretty basic look about me so I think a hat will serve to give me a little oddity or something.
4. Money. You know why that's tight right now and I'd like to be able to go to Nicaragua in the summer and to Illinois around Christmas.
5. And if I don't go out and buy it, which I may just so I can wear it plenty before the election, there is this great Obama shirt that has doves and an anchor and says hope on it that's difficult to describe but awesome. (I know my anxiousness to buy this doesn't fit in with number 4 but I'm on kind of a time restraint on this one)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thoughts on the 21 drinking age

Apparently there is some debate as to whether to lower the drinking age back to 18 (1984, the year I was born, was the year they moved it nationally to 21.) Since I am a teacher, and in particular a teacher of 10-12 graders, I have some thoughts about this proposed change.
(Note: I did not start drinking until age 20. I'm not sure what made me hold off till then as I didn't see any moral issue with drinking.)
1. An argument I have heard: In Europe the drinking age is younger so people learn earlier how to handle their liquor- is that really it or is it the culture that more so pushes people to just sit and have a drink with dinner as opposed to the US culture that pushes people to get wasted?
2. Any crime that punishes enormous quantities of people should be questioned- if that many people are getting punished for underage drinking, should it be a law or should we look at other alternatives if we don't want young people drinking? (More importantly do we want to look at alternatives to teaching people to drink responsibility?)
3. I didn't drink in high school largely because of the group of people I hung out with. We "didn't need to" I guess? I think a big part of it though was that it wasn't legal and we weren't the types to break the law since by the time we all turned 21 nearly all of us had been drinking already.
4. I do worry about the 18 thing. I was 18 before my prom and before my graduation. Lots of people drink for those events but I guess I'm most worried about people driving with those events. By the time you get into college most people live within walking distance so it's a lot easier for people to drink and not drive. High school, most of my friends were a 15 minute drive away. That has to be my biggest problem with lowering the age I think.
5. I don't like the fact that the age to get into bars is different from the drinking age. That's dumb. That being said, I also don't like that people have to wait until they're 19 to get into bars and I don't like the colleges that don't let you into the bars until you're 21. It would be great if people got into college and could go to the bars AND drink if they would like. I especially like this idea since I don't think the dorms are the best places for drinking to be happening (some people in the dorms believe drinking to be really bad and I don't like that if there is drinking in the dorms that they are forced to face it in their "home" however temporary that home may be. I'd much rather see people leave the dorms to drink as long as they are walking/taking the bus but it's based on the idea of respect for people's space.)
6. Another argument: people can vote, be drafted into the army, purchase porn etc. when they turn 18. Why shouldn't they be allowed to drink? This one makes sense, but I will say that for example your car insurance goes down $100 a month when you turn 25 and you can start renting cars then- why? because you've been driving for a while and statistically you start getting in less accidents at that time. I suppose I'd have to look at more of the research about the decrease in alcohol deaths since they changed the drinking age but I think that statistic is more based on the increased amount of awareness we have these days etc.
7. I do really like that people are calling the question. I think it is definitely a question that needs to be raised. I am also proud that education people are raising that question since it's important that educators are aware of what is happening. AND I really like that the question is being asked if we should give the responsibility sooner. I like to hear when people are saying maybe us not trusting people is the real problem? It's good that people are thinking of alternative ways to handle issues.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Getting to know you games.

Soon school will start. In one class I plan on doing vignettes and in the other class I plan on doing performance poetry, but on the actual first day I feel like I may need something immediate. Here is a list of getting to know you games I've learned (Qualifier:there has to be a game element to them. They aren't just introduce yourself and they aren't just someone else introduce you):
1. Move your butts: all but one person sits in a chair in a circle with one person standing in the middle. That one person lists something about themselves (like I'm a basketball fan) and then all of those people that that applies to has to find a new chair. The person in the middle is also trying to find a new chair so there is a new person in the middle.
2. The tootsie pop game: This works for any candy that has different colored wrappers. Each wrapper has a different question that you must answer based on the color.
3. 2 circles: You have two concentric circles making sure that everyone has someone lined up across from them. One person asks a question and you have a certain amount of time to discuss the answer with the person across you. The person asking questions then has everyone rotate around the circle- a good one for people to really get to know a few people.
4. The name game: My favorite of the name games is the first person says there name then the second person has to say the first person and the second person, the third person says their name the second person's name and the first person's name etc.
5. Red Rover style name game: The group divides in two and forms two lines not facing each other. One person brings two people (one from each side) to the center with their backs to each other. When given the signal, the two people jump around to the center and the first person to name the second person wins. Both people go to whatever team won.
6. Two truths and a lie: Everyone writes down (drumroll please) two truths and a lie! They share those with the group while everyone else tries to pick the lie.

Ok I think that may be all I've got. Any others?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

a list of a day

Today was my most jam packed day in a long while. As a tribute, this is my list of what happened today:
1. Woke up this morning to my mom calling to ask me what I knew about my sister-in-law being in the emergency room. I knew nothing which prompted me to say,"Are you serious?" and for her to say, "no I'm joking... of course I'm serious, why would I joke about something like that?" duh, but it was very early in the morning.
2. Next was me calling my brother to find out more info. I found out that she fainted yesterday around 6 coming home from the metro. She fainted in front of a store and the nice people called an ambulance. They since found out that it was a blood clot caused by the pill. Interesting something I never knew- the pill can randomly cause blood clots even if it doesn't initially. To all the ladies reading this, if you're on the pill and get an acute pain in your leg- GO TO A DOCTOR!!! (The blood clot hit her lungs and we are grateful it hit that and not other places.)
3. Off to the DMV to get my driver's license. The CA driver's license test is apparently difficult (I feel like the Illinois was longer) and of the 15 of us who were taking the test only two of us passed. Also weird- they don't print off your driver's license at the dmv. I have to wait for it in the mail.
4. Then I had to take my 900,000,000 trip to Target to spend tons of money getting random stuff for the apt. Now however I can officially say that my last big purchases are the bed and kitchen chairs (but I have stools now which at least gives me a place to sit at my table and desk.)
5. Of course I realized I forgot extension cords so I had to stop somewhere again...
6. Street cleaning wasn't over yet so I went to the bank
7. It still wasn't over so I went to Trader Joe's. (Man, there should be a TJ's in Urbana)
8. Came home to go nuts over not being able to do anything for said sister-in-law in the hospital which was weird because the hospital is like 5 blocks away from my place (a little farther than that but whatever)
9. Finally in the evening I went with Kenneth first to his place where I did some cleaning up for Krysta's brother and sister coming into town then to the hospital where of course in the er I went through complete light-headedness (really bothersome to deal with) but felt better when I found out my brother fainted while laying down in the er last night. Ahh we are family. She was moved to a room finally which was actually very sad because the room has very limited visiting hours whereas the er we could come and go as we pleased. I'll be able to help out tomorrow by picking up Krysta's sister at the airport.
A bit of a nuts day.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Things that today make my life more normal.

1. A shower I can use.
2. My kitchen sink is usable again.
3. Internet
4. Cable tv
I'm connected to the world again. Now if I can only find a bed.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Things that still need to happen before I'm settled

1. Be able to move into my bathroom (and for that matter be able to shower in my own bathroom)
2. Finish putting up the bookshelves.
3. Have more food in my fridge.
4. Get a CA Driver's License
5. Get CA license plates.
6. Get a CA teaching certificate.
7. Get a CA phone number.
8. Know how to get to work without asking my brother. (In fact there are a few places I'd like to be able to get to without asking him how on earth to get anywhere).
9. Buy a bed. (I keep forgetting about this one since I'm on an air mattress right now.)
10. Be able to get to my mail.
(Yeah with 11 you can know why it'll be few and far between on the posts or my responses to other people's posts.)